Get to know us

Services and history

We started as a small family farming business in the Northern region of Malaysia on 2012. Our farm lands was focused on growing rice for 9 years by our founder, Mr. Rezuwan Kamaruddin. He worked tirelessly, day in and day out, to cultivate the perfect rice crop yield, always striving for excellence.

Over time, the paddy fields began to grow in both size and reputation. Our rice produce became known for its high-quality within the northern region and managed to achieve four tons per acre. But the family had even bigger dreams. We wanted to expand their farm and diversify their crops.

On 2017, we started experimenting with new fruits, hoping to find the perfect combination of taste, quality, and growth potential for local specialty fruits that is unique to Malaysia. And after seven years of hard work and dedication, our first harvest came to fruition.

Today we have expanded our estates in Perlis and Perak. The one acre Perlis Orchard became renowned for producing some of the most top quality Harum Manis Mangoes in Malaysia. They were so sweet and juicy that people would come from far and wide just to taste them.

While our six acres of Perak Estate now houses three durian varieties and Berangan bananas.

  • The prized Musang King Durian with its creamiest and most flavorful durian in the region.

  • The highly sought-after Black Thorn Durian that is packed with distinct and unforgettable taste.

  • The local favourite Kampong Durian that comes with a balanced bitter and sweet taste profile.

With their reputation growing by the day, our family decided to turn the farm lands into a full-fledged business. And thus, Wansreight Sdn. Bhd. was born in 2019 by the second generation under Mr. Amir Rezuwan. Today, our fruits are known and loved by people all over Malaysia, and our farm has become a symbol of dedication, hard work, and the power of family.

Story behind our name.

The Wansreight name is a symbol of resilience and excellence of our founding members that made us who we are today.